navigating sad
emotional balance Emily Johnson emotional balance Emily Johnson

navigating sad

Depression and SAD are common in Northern latitudes. The Canadian Psychological Association reported that 15% of Canadians experience mild forms of SAD and around 2-3% experience SAD severely. In 2022, 7.6% of Canadians aged 15 and older experienced a major depressive episode in the past year.

Here are a few battle-tested strategies to combat the winter blues.

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thawing the freeze response
emotional balance Emily Johnson emotional balance Emily Johnson

thawing the freeze response

One of the often unacknowledged responses of the sympathetic nervous system is the “freeze” response in the presence of a real or perceived threat. Many of us go days, months, perhaps even years going in and out of the freeze response, complicating chronic illness and/or depression and making it challenging to care for ourselves, be effective in our work, and show up in community.

So, how do we thaw the freeze response?

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